This evening I pay homage to Celery my childhood nemesis of sorts. It’s fine time that I pay a little retribution to a vegetable that I so thoroughly loathed that it was second only to brussel sprouts as a vegetable that I would much rather throw away (or at someone) than put it in my mouth and eat it.
Celery Helps Cure for Cancer: Yep, it has bee proven that the Flavanoids Apigenin & Luteolin (in celery, artichokes, and herbs especially Mexican Oregano) kill human pancreatic cancer cells in the lab by inhibiting the cancer growth. You can read the details of the studies here and even though you likely couldn’t eat enough celery to cure cancer by itself, the simple fact that the flavanoids in it could do this in high concentrations could be argument enough for you to make this vegetable one of your regulars on the plate.
Celery May Lower Blood Pressure: Phthalides are active organic compounds in Celery that have been proven to increase your circulatory health benefits. Eating whole (raw) celery can help reduce high blood pressure over time.
Celery May Lowers Stress/Hypertension: Celery is rich in Magnesium (and other minerals) and an essential oil that soothes the nervous system. Have the late night munchies? Make a celery snack, it may help lower your stress level and may even help you sleep better at night.
Lower Bad Cholesterol with Celery: Butylphthalide is one of the chemical constituents in Celery Oil that gives it its aroma and taste. Studies have shown that it may be useful as a treatment for hypertension and have neuroprotective effect in addition to lowering cholesterol. A Chicago University research shows that eating two stalks of celery a day can lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 7 points.
Lower Body Acidity With Alkalizing Celery: In the average modern persons diet, there are many things eaten that can throw our optimum acid/alkaline levels out of balance. A neutral reading of 7.0 (or slightly higher and alkaline) is optimal. Eating acidic foods can cause a series of problems in the human body and Celery can offset them with it’s alkaline pH and its alkalizing affect on the body. For more information on how pH can have an impact for weight loss go here.
Celery Can Help You Battle Inflammation: As we’ve discussed numerous times here before, Inflammation can hinder your weight loss and actually make you gain weight. If not addressed, it can actually lead to systemic problems with permanent ramifications. Anything to help combat inflammation is a great addition to your diet. Celery is one of these and may help reduce inflammation in joints, minor infections, asthma, acne, gingivitis or many other inflammations that are holding you back from your weight loss goals.
Celery Can Improve Your Sex Life: This is not an old-wives-tale or urban legend. Dr. Alan Hirsch, famous for his invention of Sensa (the popular weight loss supplement) and founder of www.smellandtaste.org says that there are two pheromones in celery that can contribute to an increase in arousal: androstenone and androstenol. They are released when you chew celery and could be a nice addition to your diet to spice up your love life.
Celery Can Help With Weight Management: Whether eaten fresh, with some almond butter, chopped and thrown into salads, cooked up with your other favorite veggies in stir-fry, celery is super low in calories (about 10 calories per stalk) full of fiber and all the other nutrition we’ve spoken about above.
So, make sure celery is on your go-to list of veggies to have on hand at all times. Your body and your weight loss coach will be glad you did.
Side note: After dealing with a little doldrums this morning I’ve ‘realigned with my reasons why’ and I am back on track. Praise God for reminding me why I’m on this path and giving me the strength and courage to stay on it. May God also bless you with resilience and perseverance as you stay on your weight loss path. In Jesus Name, Amen!
If you find yourself in a place of the doldrums in your weight loss program or in your spiritual life, maybe it’s time you also realign with your reasons why? Look around you, God will point them out to you if you ask.
The celery salad I had with dinner helped me too. It’s just some chopped celery with rock salt & virgin olive oil. A new favorite of mine. Try it. You’ll like it!
Be blessed my friend.
Pastor Dan
P.S. Please comment, share, or like if you find this a blessing to you. Thank you!
Pastor Dan,
Thank you!! I’m the reason why you are doing this. I thank God for you! I’m often amazed and humbled that God has me on His mind. Once again He’s showing me that I’m on His mind. I needed motivation, a word of encouragement and I found it reading your articles. I lost three family members that I was very close to (my dad in 2009 to Alzheimer’s, my niece in 2012 and sister in 2013 to cancer). Apparently, I’m strong or so I’m told. For my mom and brother’s sake, I had to be the strong one. Yet it’s taken its toll on me physically and emotionally. Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom that God has given you. It is not in vain. I sit at the table for hours studying, reading and meditating on God’s word and still sometimes I grow weary. I needed your article on nutrition to motivate me, in scripture, to get back on track. Prior to 2009, I was a fitness and health food fanatic but I’d lost the energy and desire to do anything. The work that you are doing here is not in vain. Please be encouraged and know that you are appreciated.
Thank you Leila for your comment.
Your posting is very much appreciate too. I’ve been putting in several dozens…maybe even hundreds of hours now into all of this and the comments from the people who read are few and far between.
Your comment was a great encouragement to me and is a HUGE blessing.
Thank you very much.
Stay strong and let me know if you need any help getting back on track.
I’ve been developing the Christian Fatloss Program and will be opening it up FREE of charge for a few of the frrst people through it. Let me know if you may be interested in going through it as one of the beta-testers.