One of my mentors is big on Magic Moments and although he professes to be a Christian, he’s more mainstream and focused on more mainstream audiences.
His philosophy is that at the end of our lives we’re not going to remember most of the things that keeps us busy, but we will remember the Magic Moments. He believes we should strive to fill our lives with those kinds of moments in order to achieve fulfillment. I totally agree.
This morning I had one of those most amazing moments. For the last week or two after I get the kids ready with their breakfast and before I jump into the getting ready routine, I’ve been trying to spend 20 minutes in the sun everyday on the deck off of my bedroom.
I’m blessed to have a view of the mountains here in North Scottsdale which are literally only 3 miles away and in my backyard. My deck faces North so in the morning I face east on a barcalounger and was really enjoying the moment. I started to meditate on God’s word and focusing on being grateful in the moment and the word Majesty came to mind.
God is Majestic. His creation is awesome and all around us. We are his creation. Our friends, our family, and all the things around us are his creation (in harmony with man’s creation).
Within a couple of minutes of these thoughts it started to sprinkle. When I say sprinkle, I mean the kind of huge drops that often come with thunderheads When I looked up at the sky, I saw almost exactly what the photo above shows. Drops every second or two coming straight down on me as I looked straight up. It was one of those wow moments that made me think, “hey God thanks for that you are awesome” kind of moments. A Majestic Moment.
So, whether you are in an Urban surrounding or in the middle of the woods, try to set aside 20 minutes to have yourself an encounter…your Majestic Moment. An encounter with God, a Majestic Moment, that you will never forget.
You can have one of these moments in the middle of the woods, the desert, driving in your car. I had one recently in a park in the middle of downtown Kansas City recently.
God’s creation and Majesty are on display for all to see…you just have to take them time to look.
Be blessed my friend as you strive to see God’s Majesty and store up your own Majestic Moments.
Share in the comments a Majestic Moment you had today, this week, or this month that you remember feeling that overwhelming sense of gratitude for God presence in your life. Do have any? Share some things you might be able to do this week that will set you up to have one? I want to hear from you all in the comments below.